Individuals & Families
List of Endowment funds
Add to A current FUnd
Create your own Fund
Ways to give
All of our current named funds are open for additional donations. You can choose to add to one of them by clicking the buttons below.
Or we can set up a fund for you to support the causes that you care most about. Contact Deb Camenzind for information about carrying out your wishes at Phone: 250-847-4356 Email:
When looking to donate stocks, bonds, real estate or other assets, discuss your intentions your tax, legal, and financial advisers. Then please connect with us!

Estate and Planned Giving
Individuals and families have established a variety of funds with the BVCF, all with the overall purpose of enhancing quality of life in our communities.
To learn more about how you can get started with as low as $1,000, contact us today.