Grants and Learning Awards
Learning Awards
Community Impact
Photo gallery

The BVCF area extends from Topley to Kitwanga including Granisle, Houston, Telkwa, Smithers, Witset and the Hazeltons.
Learning Awards
Other Awards
Learning Awards
Each year income from BVCF endowments is offered to students to assist with reaching educational goals. Applications are accepted in Spring. Students can apply for four types of Learning Awards:
Fritz Pfeiffer Adult Learning Award
BVCF Grade 12 Learning Award
Wetzin’kwa Grade 12 Learning Award
George Tugnum Adult Learning Award
These awards start at $1,000.00 . We offer numerous awards each year.
- Each award has slightly different criteria.
- Each award requires a separate application.
- Click on the ‘Learn More’ link below for complete instructions
The BVCF has awarded grants since the early 1990’s. Our funds come from interest earned on donations from many generous individual and business donors. Our smallest grants are for a few hundred dollars. We have awarded grants for up to $6,000.00 but the average grant is in the $1,000.00 to $3,000.00 range. Our total available funding each year depends on donations and interest earned.
your contribution helps
BVCF Strategic Plan
Community Impact Grants
The preference is for one project for the full value that will create a major impact in the Bulkley Valley. However, smaller projects will be considered. The Foundation will review all submissions and select the project or combination of projects that best fits our objectives.
The project(s) will help us to fulfill our fields of interest and areas of focus as identified in the BVCF 2021 Strategic Plan. BVCF fields of interest are: Community, cultural, fine arts, education, social and family, sports and recreation, youth and health.
BVCF Prosperity Fund
Funded by the Government of British Columbia through the Community Prosperity Fund
The Bulkley Valley Community Foundation is excited to announce we will be disbursing $185,000.00 through a one-time granting cycle named the Bulkley Valley Community Foundation Prosperity Fund. The funds are being received from the Community Prosperity Fund, a $25 million investment from the Government of British Columbia (B.C.) that advances poverty reduction and social inclusion—announced on the inaugural B.C. Nonprofit Day. This fund is part of the Government of B.C.’s commitment to supporting the non-profit sector and empowering local communities to make local decisions. The fund is for organizations that are planning initiatives related to poverty reduction and social inclusion. Deadline is October 18th, 2024.
Each year the BVCF offers community grants to qualified charitable organizations with the
purpose ofis to enhancinge the quality of life in our communities.
October 15 – grant cycle begins
November 30 – 5 PM – deadline for grant applications
We have awarded grants for projects that support community members from a wide range of ages and interests. BVCF fields of interest are education, social/family, fine arts, cultural, health, youth, community and sports/recreation. Grants typically range in size from a few hundred to $7,000.00.
The BVCF area for granting extends from Topley to Kitwanga including Granisle, Houston, Telkwa, Smithers and the Hazeltons in North Central B.C.
Organizations that are registered charities or qualified donees under the Income Tax Act are eligible to apply for BVCF grants.
Organizations that are NOT registered charities or qualified donees under the Income Tax Act may be eligible to apply for BVCF grants by contracting with an agency that is a registered charity, which will
• agree to have their charitable registration number used on the application
• accept any funds on behalf of the applicant
• provide a written statement of their agreement.
Grants are NOT made to individuals or businesses.
Refer to BVCF Grant Policy here for more information.
BVCF will enter into written grant agreements with successful applicants.
Projects must be completed 12 months from the date of the grant agreement. BVCF must approve any extensions or changes
Multi-year grants and multi-agency grants may be awarded in some cases and additional conditions will apply.
Applicants must specify how BVCF contributions will be publicly acknowledged.
Organizations must submit a final report once the project is completed. Final reports must be received for previous grants before new grants are awarded. Grant final reports should include at least one photo of the project that BVCF can publish. Refer to How to Complete the Grant Final Report.
Learning Awards Application Deadline
Learning Award intakes start April 1st each year
Annually, May 15th
BVCF Grant Application Deadline
Grant intakes start October 15th each year
November 30th, 5:00 pm
BVCF Prosperity Fund Grant
One time intakes starts September 12, 2024
Closing October 18th, 2024